1. The mission of this company is to produce and supply all kinds of gray cement for the development of infrastructure and the country and economic development of the region.
2. Favorable and reliable profitability for ourself and all stakeholders forms our existential philosophy and all the stakeholders that we will be realized with the help of the company’s human capital.
3. We make our best efforts to improve the customers’ satisfaction by diversifying our products and improving the quality of our products.
4. We accept our social responsibility and we commit ourselves to reducing pollution, environmental protection and occupational health of the personnel who are philanthropist.
5. We consider our personnel as the most valuable assets of the company and provide the conditions for the promotion of knowledge, motivation and innovation.
6. We are committed to complying with national and environmental standards and applying new technologies in this field.
7. We will make our best efforts to maintain our good place in the region in terms of the quality and diversity of product and work to stabilize it.
8. We will make our best efforts to improve the maintenance system and take an effective step to reduce the price cost of the product.
9. We will make our efforts to reduce energy consumption in production.
10. We are making our best efforts for improving the quality of materials consumed.
11. We are making our best efforts to train personnel for improving the personnel's knowledge in the field of occupational safety and to minimize occupational injuries.